Top 5 reactJS UI frameworks to boost ROI in 2021
The key to acquiring a high-quality user interface lays in the design that enables you to attain the possibly the best graphical user interface. React (ReactJS) a library that does not ask for any introduction today for anyone who is familiar with the front of the development space. However, further details regarding react js can be obtained in this blog. In this piece of content, we will explore the leading UI frameworks for Reactjs applications. These React UI component libraries have implemented the respective CSS framework practices as react components that are ready to use which make your development much simpler and feasible. But, before that, why don’t we get along with the basics?
Reactjs is the 2nd most-appreciated web framework in 2020. In Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, out of 57.378 responses, 68,9% of respondents expressed great interest to continue working with React js.
What is React JS?
React is an open-source JavaScript library that helps you build a top interface for both web apps as well as mobile apps. It combines feasibly with different JavaScript frameworks and libraries and carries tiny, standalone bits of code called components. These are the components that are going to be blocked in the spotlight in this resource.
Let’s head on to the top react JS UI frameworks to alleviate your issues:
Shards React
Shards React is an open-source, prevailing React UI kit that’s generated from scratch and geared towards fast performance. The modern design system enables you to bring transformation in multiple things. In addition, you can download the source files to modify things at the code level as well. The SCSS used for styling only enriches the developer’s experience.
This library is based-up on Shards, React Popper and noUIShlider. It supports Material and Fontawesome icons. The Shards Pro package has 15 pre-made pages that aid you to get begin there and then. Fortunately, these pages use blocks that you can move here and there.
Gaining 270 stars on GitHub, it also takes in multiple custom React components like range sliders and toggle inputs. The 350+ components certify that you can develop pretty much every type of website with Shards React.
React virtualized
Are you developing a frontend that’s data-heavy? React Virtualized has to be the library you need to dip into. Inclusive of multiple components for diligently rendering huge lists, tables, and grids. For instance, if you get to find masonry, columns, authorizers, direction sorters, window scrollers, and so on. Moreover, you can personalize the tables by configuring the row heights, and display placeholders in the cells.
However, React Virtualized has very few dependencies and supports standard browsers, inclusive of neoteric mobile browsers for iOS and Android. It has 18,000+ stars on GitHub.
Onsen UI
In case you’re into developing cross-platform mobile apps, you will be quite intrigued with this proposal on our list of React UI component libraries. Onsen UI is a mobile app development framework that operates HTML5 and JavaScript and proffers integration with Angular, Vue.js, and React JS All the components are auto-styled based on the platform, and so it supports iOS and Android as well using the same source code.
Onsen UI is accordant with many popular React frameworks. An interactive tutorial enables you to get a likable start with this tool. The component library deploys original CSS with no JavaScript behavior. For further more information, custom elements are liable to help out. The star count on GitHub exceeds 7,800.
Blueprint is a set of React UI components that cover the supreme common interface elements, patterns, and interactions on the web. Using Blueprint assures that you’ll end up with a sophisticated and feasible UI, allowing you to focus on building your product, not the atomic pieces that comprise it. Its inclined productivity with a set of high-quality generic components that you can avail and create a great impact on your desktop development. The blueprint was designed from the core for desktop applications so it has not been tested to the core on mobile web browsers.
ReactJS bootstrap
React-Bootstrap substitutes Bootstrap with JavaScript. Each component has been developed from scratch as a true React component, without needless dependencies like jQuery.
Being one of the oldest yet flagship React libraries, React-Bootstrap has developed and grown alongside React, making it an indelible choice as your UI foundation.
Created with compatibility in the frame, ReactJS embraces bootstrap core and strives to be compatible with the world’s UI biggest ecosystem.
By depending solely on the Bootstrap stylesheet, React-Bootstrap works with the numerous Bootstrap themes you already admire.
With 204 contributors and 12K GitHub stars, it is one of the most compatible and majorly used, and actively maintained library.
Wrapping statement:
React.JS features have quite raised bars of its admiration these days. And the frameworks that are present here can become a core reason for your surging business development. So, if you have more or less knowledge of react js and are keen to learn about the same then there you go. These UI frameworks shall be a great start to your react experience. Cheers!